18-21 july 2024
Illiku, Saaremaa

18-21 july 2024
Illiku, Saaremaa

18-21 july 2024
Illiku, Saaremaa

Ingrid Lukas


Friday 19.07 at 21:00 - 22:00 / Forest stage

Tender and strong, electronics and pop, traditional and modern: on July 19, the Estonian-Swiss singer and pianist Ingrid Lukas will perform at I Land Sound.


Music critic Janar Ala has written: “Ingrid’s voice is also important. The voice as an instrument. In a sense, her singing gives the impression that one goes into the voice, divides it into spectral colours and different frequencies.”


This multi-layered music creates a special mood and immerses you in the cosmic fog of I Land Sound – is this what it feels like to be in an astral, weightless state?


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